Thai Integrative Massage (With oils) is,like a Traditional Thai Massage (without oils) based on the concepts, that is working, opening, and stimulating the so-called Energy Lines also called Sen lines. Aromatherapy is based on the idea that adding plant essential oil to a base oil address specific ailment or needs of the receiver. Essential oil can help relieve a multitude of conditions from headache, anxiety, depression, insomnia, fatigue, exhaustion, stress, digestive problems, inflammation, flu, sinus conditions, muscles spasm, and much more.
During this session, The therapist will incorporate the following techniques-Swedish, Deep tissue, Myofascial release, Trigger point therapy, Lomi Lomi,and Thai stretching. Thai herbal balm and CBD Oil included.
Benefits of Thai Integrative Massage
- Nourishes the skin making it soft and healthy
- Soothes and calms the mind and body
- Relieves stress and anxiety
- Improves blood circulation and lower blood pressure
- Increases energy levels as blockage are removal
- Soothes, revitalizes, lift the spirit
- Fights depress, encourages positive thinking
- Promotes a general state of well-being
Preparation : Do not eat at least one hour before the massage if possible. It is best to shower before the massage.