Thai Massage by Patrick
License Massage Therapist

Manual Lymphatic Drainage

Lymphatic drainage increases lymphatic circulation and helps detoxify the body. It drains sluggish lymph nodes. The purpose of lymphatic drainage is to cleanse and regenerate tissues and organs, and to promote balance of chemistry. Lymphatic drainage helps to stimulate the lymphatic system to remove wastes more rapidly from around these inflamed tissues sending it back to the lymphatic system for removal and cleansing.

Manual Lymphatic Drainage is a very light touch modality that reduces swelling and bolsters the immune system by increasing movement of lymph fluid through the body and helping the body flush toxins.


Benefits of Lymphatic Drainage 

  • Increased immunity for people with compromised immune systems or those suffering from a long-term illness.
  • Post-surgery to decrease swelling and bruising, decrease scarring, and flush toxins introduced by anesthesia, antibiotics, and/or pain medications.
  • When dealing with edema, usually characterized by overall puffiness and sensitive nerves.
  • When they have had lymphatic nodes removed and deal with chronic moderate lymphedema as a result.
  • Faster recovery from Liposuction and 10 Lymphatic Drainage are recommended post liposuction.
  • Lymphatic Drainage helps regulate hormones and can help relieve difficult menstrual cycles and sleeplessness.
  • Safe for Pregnancy to help reduce swelling and improve circulation.


Preparation : Do not eat at least one hour before the massage if possible. It is best to shower before the massage. If you have been drinking heavily the night before or/are dehydrated Lymphatic Drainage will not be effective.



          Lymphatic Drainage is not recommended for people with an infection, sunburn, rash, fever, over active thyroid, serious circulatory problems, cardiac arrhythmia, blood clots, hemorrhage, acute absence of urination, epilepsy, blocked intestines, diverticulosis, abdominal aortal aneurysm, massive arteriosclerotic changes, diseases involving inflammation of the intestines, adhesions in the abdomen as a consequence of surgical intervention, changes in the abdomen or the lower abdominal region after radiation therapy, radiation cystitis or colitis, an entire extremely swollen limb.


Post treatment

           Possible Reactions

  • The body may feel "cleaner" or “light"
  • The client may feel relaxed or energized
  • The client may urinate more and the urine may look or smell different
  • The client may feel nauseous
  • The client may sleep really deeply, or not be able to sleep
  • The client may feel clear headed
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